About Us
Remember those moments in high school where you and your best friend were constantly pulling out a mirror to touch up your makeup instead of listening to Mr. What'shisface explain some equation you really should have been paying attention to? I do. I became makeup and beauty OBSESSED at the tender age of ten. Rocking the fabulous and ever popular, raccoon eyes and fluorescent lips, I was a total pro, well I thought I was anyways. As I grew up I realized the genuine artistry behind what makeup really is and can do for a person and fell so in love with it. Now, a mid 20's mom of three, I feel like I should share with the world how passionate I have become and maybe help someone else see the pure beauty of makeup through product reviews and tutorials. One thing to remember, makeup can transform your appearance, but in order to be truly beautiful you have to start on the inside.
~Delete the negative, accentuate to positive.
- Donna Karan
My love of makeup didn't develop until my late teens and early twenties, mostly because my mom always told me I didn't need it! But since my senior year my curiosity for make up has made leaps and bounds and has now become my favorite hobby! Being a mom of a precious little girl I want to be able to tell my daughter all sorts of things I had to learn the hard way! Seeing as she is my mini me in every way I hope her love of makeup and all things girly will be as great as mine! I'm excited to share what I have learned and what my favorite and least favorite products are to help anybody who is learning or has a passion like I do!
Stay Beautiful!
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